What Sorts Of Tools Are Used In Commercial Joinery

When working in commercial joinery, there are a number of tools that are primarily used for creating the beautiful timber pieces (such as staircases, door frames, furniture and so on) that you see in shops, offices and businesses. As some joinery work can be completed in a workshop rather than onsite, there is much more room for the bulkier tools needed.

• Band Saw
This is one of the more common tools used for joinery work, as it is highly versatile when it comes to woodwork and is able to work with large pieces of timber. A band saw is made up of two or three mechanical wheels that power a belt, which then causes a blade to rotate and slice through timber.
• Wood Chisel
This is another tool that is frequently used as a part of commercial joinery work, as it is useful for shaping and carving timber. There are sixteen different widths of chisel available, ensuring that there is a chisel suitable for fine shaving and carving and for cutting away larger chunks of wood.
• Fore Plane
This tool is used throughout commercial joinery work for creating a perfectly level surface on any piece of timber. The plane uses manual force to remove a thin layer of wood; this is done in side-to-side motions in perfectly straight lines.
• Bow Saw
This tool is highly useful in commercial joinery for creating fine curves or ornamental openings in a design. The saw actually resembles a harp and consists of a fine-toothed blade that cuts through the timber that the joiner pushes against it.

There are, of course, plenty of other tools utilised in the commercial joinery business – these are, however, the most common (and perhaps the most useful) ones. As each of these tools relies primarily on a sharpened edge, it is important to exercise caution at all times when using them.

About the author

Sanju kmr
I am a Search and Social Media enthusiast who loves exploring the true potential of Web 2.0 and Social Media.


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